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ENP and its Summer Camps

August 5, 2014 This summer, the Ethiopian National Project has been privileged to have twenty volunteers from all over the United States, including California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachussetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New York,  and Ohio. 

Ten of these volunteers initiated and ran two different day camps in Jerusalem, one at the Tsivia School and the other in Gonen. Both camps were a huge success. The camp at the Tsvia School had 15 girls, ages 12-16; the Gonen camp had 12 participants who ranged from 12-14 years of age. 

In order to help the participants prepare for their matriculation exams and continue learning during the summer months there were both English classes and programming. Activities included cooking, art, fitness/gym, and personal development throughout each week's schedule.

The rest of ENP's volunteers contributed to vital research for various projects, missions and future ENP endeavors.