Our Impact

ENP's impact is indisputable: An overwhelming majority of SPACE participants successfully pass their high school completion exams.

Participants in ENP's School Performance and Community Empowerment (SPACE) program continue to surpass the performance of the general Jewish population, reaching 78% matriculation vs 73% of Israelis in Hebrew-speaking matriculation-awarding schools. The program is also demonstrated to have a significant impact on participants in comparison to those Ethiopian-Israelis who did not participate with a 78% vs 61% matriculation rate respectively.

Download our latest evaluation report

ENP measures, learns, adapts and grows

ENP’s commitment to regular internal and external evaluation is a prime factor in the success of its programs. Both external (vis a vis the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute) and internal (via program implementers) evaluations have been executed annually since ENP's launch in 2004-5. ENP learns from the results of the evaluations and sculpts its programs through study of the evaluations and best practices.

Our Progress

ENP matriculation success
ENP girls’ matriculation
ENP university level matriculation

Our impact this year

ENP SPACE participants surpass the performance of their other Israeli peers. Additional evidence reveals:

• Increased self-confidence
• Greater motivation to succeed
• Higher capacity to conceptualize future
• Better relationship with parents
• Greater ability to cope with difficulties

ENP data is collected from several sources including test results, feedback questionnaires, surveys of students, teachers and principals and observation of the program. At the local level, results are shared biannually at city-based advisory committee meetings. At the national level, results are shared at board meetings which take place two times a year. End year meetings to review best practices between implementers are also carried out to share lessons learned.


% ENP Matriculation Success


Schools in program


% Ethiopian-Israeli 12th graders in SPACE


% ENP girls' matriculation


Help us expand our impact