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ENP Volunteers Post Blogs About Memorable Volunteer Experiences

Our volunteers participate in a variety of ENP programs doing exciting and meaningful work. We have volunteers working in Youth Outreach Centers teaching special skills such as art and drama, and teachers and tutors helping youth to improve their English and Hebrew skills. We also have volunteer opportunities for grant writing, assisting smaller Ethiopian-Israeli non-profits, and collecting stories from the different ENP projects to see the impact ENP is making all over the country. These opportunities are valuable to both ENP participants and volunteers. 

A volunteer collecting stories in the field reflects on her day, saying,  "hearing from the staff and participants at ENP was an extraordinary experience; I not only learned about the important role ENP plays in their lives, but I was also able to see and really feel the impact ENP makes"

Another volunteer at the Heftziba Community Center reflects on her first day with ENP,"it was a fulfilling first day, where not only the students I was tutoring learned, but I learned about them as well."

You can read more about our volunteers and their experiences on the ENP Blog

For more information about volunteer opportunities with ENP, contact Grace Rodnitzki at grace@enp.org.il