Medical and Dental Scholarships

Opportunities for Assistance:
Increasing the Numbers in University

ENP’s University Scholarship program provides scholarships to medical and dental students


The Challenge

Despite the increasing number of Ethiopian-Israelis enrolled in higher education, financial hardship still prevents many from pursuing degrees beyond secondary school. While the government does provide tuition assistance through the Student Authority, many students do not qualify for financial aid due to age and duration of study eligibility limitations. Students who do qualify for financial assistance are often still unable to afford supplies essential to academic success. Such limitations prevent many students from pursuing post-secondary education.

ENP's Response

With the support of Jewish Federation of Lehigh Valley, Beth-Israel Federated Jewish Charities of Fayetteville, the Harry Yanoff and Jeanette Master Yanoff Charitable Trust of Cumberland Community Foundation, and donors to the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, ENP has provided more than 40 students with scholarships. Since the program’s creation, 20 students have completed their studies and entered into medical professions.