
Cross every bridge as it lay beneath your feet.

Kara Glaser

Los Angeles
Arizona State University
Why did you choose to volunteer with ENP?
At the core of who I am I care about helping and supporting people. This is why I chose to intern with ENP. At ENP I have the opportunity to support the Ethiopian-Israeli community via the expansion of international relationships, and community programs.
What do you hope to achieve through your experience with ENP?
During my experience with ENP I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the needs, struggles, and achievements of the Ethiopian-Israeli community. I also hope to connect with my Judaism through exploring other cultures and lifestyles that I am not privy to in America.
What is your favorite food in Israel?
Easily eggplant in any way, shape, or form. Sabich is my go to. I love the way eggplant is prepared in Israel. You just can not get it like that in the states!
What are your goals and aspirations for the future?
As of right now, I want to be a psychologist at a reentry center. Reentry centers help formerly incarcerated people acclimate to community life after incarceration. Reentry centers serve as a form of rehabilitation and recidivism reduction.
What are you most proud of about yourself?
Before starting my work at ENP I solo traveled to Rome. This was my first time solo traveling and it was an incredible experience. I am proud of my bravery, willingness to push myself, and adventurous spirit. As a result of the solo travel, I was able to do things I would not normally do like ask strangers to lunch!
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
In the states: coffee ice cream with marshmallows from Cold Stone. If you know, you know. In Israel: chocolate from Golda in a cone.
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