
Sonia Kramer

Oberlin College - Psychology with a concentration in peace and conflict studies
What do you like to do when you're not volunteering?
I love to sing with my father and two sisters while at home, and in the Acapelicans, one of Oberlin's a cappella groups. I am the chair of the Jewish Student Union at Oberlin College. I am also involved in Project Unbound, our campus group for human trafficking. When I am not on campus, I participate in an arts program at a local prison and volunteer and fundraise for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.
Why did you choose to volunteer for the ENP?
I feel connected to Israel through my ancestry, so Israel is one of the first places I would like to devote services to. Every resident deserves the aid and resources to live comfortably in Israel and the ENP provides opportunities for Ethiopian Jews to thrive in Israel.
What do you love about Israel?
I love the melting pot of people from different backgrounds. It is a true home for Jewish people, but it is important for Israel to grow into a home for people of all cultures.
Educational or work background:
My favorite job so far is being the caretaker of my friend who has special needs. Because he goes to summer school, he cannot enroll in a camp, so I bring camp activities to him!
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