
Mahlet: Failure? Not an Option

Youth in School
~ מחלת, כיתה י״א
A big, fat “30.” In red pen. My final exam in Hebrew grammar last year. Failure. Despair. No self confidence. That about sums up how my academic school year ended off last semester. When school started this year, I didn’t really care anymore. If I was going to fail anyway, what was the point of studying hard? But my ENP teachers did care. They talked to me and convinced me that it was a smart move for me to participate in ENP’s Scholastic Assistance program and get extra help in school. So I did. And it paid off. I studied really, really hard. After everyone in my house was sleeping, I would stay up and battle with all the impossibly hard tenses in the Hebrew language. In my head, I pretended like it was a war between myself and the evil forces of present perfect, subjects, and predicates. And I emerged victorious. When I retested on the Hebrew exam in the winter, I got a 90.My success showed me that I was capable of more and that I have the potential to succeed. I went over to my ENP teachers and asked for extra help in math. I’ve always liked numbers and if I can defeat Hebrew grammar, then I am a viable opponent of mathematics. The battles will continue and I am determined to win.