
Tegest's Story

Youth in School
Tegest struggled with problems at home and with self- abuse. With her mother’s encouragement she sought help with an ENP mediator turning her attitude and life around for the better. Tegest (name has been changed) cut off contact and connection with her father, stopped coming home from school, and was attempting to hurt herself. Tegest’s mother told an ENP school mediator about the problems Tegest was struggling with, and shared the issues with her at an ENP parent’s workshop. The Social Mediator built a specific plan-of-action for Tegest and her parents to help resolve the issues. Over time and with hard work the relationship between Tegest and her parents slowly improved. After a while Tegest contacted her father and renewed their relationship. Today, Tegest is doing well and her mother continues to share the progress of her daughter with the other parents participating in the Parent’s Workshops.